Sunday, July 20, 2008


I have lived with my husband for the past 21 years of my life and we have always shared a room/bed. Up until the past few years, this has not been a problem. Now all of a sudden all I desire is a peaceful night’s rest without my husband interrupting it with his snoring and tossing and turning. I have noticed that on occasion when we don’t sleep together (he or I are out of town, etc.) how incredible my night’s rest is and how great it is to wake up feeling refreshed and energized…unlike the mornings that I share my bed with him. Here is a typical night’s sleep for me:

8:30 pm - Mike goes to bed and I stay up.

10:00 pm - I go to get into bed and Mike has his head in the upper left-hand corner of the bed and his feet in the lower right-hand corner of the bed. So basically, he has taken up the entire bed by sleeping diagonally. I crawl into bed and gently move his legs to his side of the bed. I watch the news.

10:30 pm - I shut off the light and settle in to fall asleep.

12:00 am - Mike is on his side and snoring in my ear. I gently wake him up and tell him to roll over. I go back to sleep.

12:30 am - Mike has rolled over onto his back and there is a freight train going through my bedroom. I wake him up and tell him to roll over onto his side.

1:45 am - I wake up because there is so much tossing and turning going on from “you know who.” He finally settles down and I fall back asleep.

2:25 am - Mike is on his side, snoring. I toss and turn as hard as I can so he wakes up a little bit and stops snoring.

3:05 am - Mike is on his side again, and snoring in my ear, but this time he has pushed me up against the edge of my side of the bed so that I have no room. I’m mad now. I push his shoulder rather abruptly and tell him to scoot over because he is hogging the bed and SNORING IN MY EAR!!

3:40 am - Mike is once again sleeping diagonally. I kick his legs (hard) (because I’m mad) until he is back on his side of the bed.

4:10 am - WHAT THE HECK…THE FREIGHT TRAIN IS BACK. I’ve had it! I get up, grab my pillow and head for the couch. This is ridiculous!

4:45 am - I’m supposed to get up and go to the gym. Mike is up and he’s all ready to go…bouncing around like a rabbit (because he has had plenty of restful sleep.) He wakes me up “Are you going to the gym?” I look at him sternly and think “Are you kiddin’ me?” I tell him no and go back to sleep. I have the best two hours sleep that I’ve had all night…Mike is at the gym and I have the bed all to myself!

So, that my friend’s is why I want my own room. Now some of you are thinking, “well, share a room and just get separate beds.” That is not going to work! I already have the majority of the dresser and closet space, and I still need more…hence having my own room would be perfect! And….don’t even get me started about having my own bathroom…


Fisher said...

Now hold on one second.....I think I need my own room. Can't everyone see through this to understand I am taking a lot of physical abuse and have the bruises to prove it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Keri - I feel your pain. I, too, have been in the same situation with my now 25 year hubby. Here are a couple of tricks... 1) ask him to take a decongestant before going to bed. Our dry climate plays havoc on those sinuses and this has really helped Rick, 2) buy some ear plugs. When all else fails... 3) go to bed first. Once you are asleep you will be less likely to be woken up. I realize this may mean some major schedule changes, but it's still an idea.

~keri said...

Hey Debb! I told Mike about your suggestion about the decongestant...he's convinced that I'm trying to poison him now! Hope you are doing well!!