Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Glimpse Into Depression

I know...I know...I'm freaked out too...2 blogs in one month!

I know people who don't suffer from depression have a hard time relating to those of us who do...because...let's face's just something that can't be understood until you experience it. A person will NEVER understand the desperation of depression until they have lived it.

Our Pastor has preached two really good sermons regarding depression (one is the testimony of his wife). I thought it might be helpful and give some insight to others. Here are the links:


LynnetteInDeepThoughtOrNot said...

Good stuff Keri! Get it out there to the Christians - I'll help!
Forgive me when even I haven't understood!
Love ya!

LynnetteInDeepThoughtOrNot said...
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