I'm continuing on my quest to figure out what I want to do with my life. I would love to hear any advice or input you have as I make this journey.
Are you doing what you love?
Why or why not?
If you are, how did you discover what you were supposed to be doing?
I would really appreciate anything you can offer!
It happens to a lot of people that is what is happening to you right now. My little girl is approaching 40. You're looking for change, looking for satisfaction with a twist of excitement, you're searching for more than what you have now. Your heart is urging for change...... this can be very unsettling to you and the choices you make now could affect you for the rest of your life. My advice to you is tread softly and keep your eyes open. I believe your mother wanted change also. Did she get what she wanted? If so did it bring more happiness? I believe in you and I believe you will make the right choices. Live within your limitations whatever they may be and seek contentment. Love, your Dad
I'm going to have to disagree with you. There is much more to life than just existing and going through the motions. I believe that every single person has the capability to do something significant with their life, if they so choose. I'm not looking for excitement. I'm not looking for a short-term thrill. I'm thinking much more long-term than that. I'm thinking about the rest of my years. Do I want to continue to work behind a desk doing something that I'm good at, but that I really don't enjoy. No. I want more. Don't be so quick to compare my life to mom's. There is a big difference between jumping ship and actually having a plan for the future. I believe there is a lot more out there and if I choose to "live within my limitations" I will never get to experience so much more. I think you need to be careful when you talk about being content. Being "content" is a state of "being", not "doing". "Being" and "doing" are two complete different things. I want to experience as much as I can and I want to live a life that makes a difference. I can be content while doing those things. I was not given the opportunity to discover what I wanted to do when I was younger, when it would have been more appropriate to do so. I was too busy being the "adult". I am at a point in my life when I can make some of those decisions...and I intend to do so. Just because someone comes to a point that they desire more out of life, doesn't necessarily mean it's a mid-life crises. I think God created us for so much more than just "existing".
Okay, here is my perspective on this subject. I think that for many women it is not so much a "mid life crisis" as a "mid life awakening"! A mid life crisis suggests going a little crazy for awhile and then returning to your old "normal" life. Many of us have spent many years (great years) raising children and somewhat putting our lives on hold, not thinking about what we really want or who we really are. As children get older and we have more time to explore these questions it sometimes leads to changes in our lives. These are usually changes related to self improvement, job changes or just a realization that there is so much more than just existing and it's time for enjoying! These are permanent, positive changes, an awakening to a better life.
It could be a difference between men and women or maybe not. I'm sure there are women that just "go crazy" for awhile and then return to their normal lives, but is it because they WANT to return or is it because they are too afraid to step into the unknown??
Just my opinion.....
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